Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Some of today's meal choices were bad ones...maybe it's because TOM is coming very soon, but anyway here's a summary of today's day.


This morning's breakfast consisted of a whole wheat wrap, 1 tbsp of peanut butter and 1 banana. I got this idea out of Tosca Reno's Eating Clean book and to tell you the truth I wasn't hungry until around 3pm.

AM snack

After goofing around for a while I had my morning snack which consisted of 1 cup of coffee, stevia, and coffeemate's natural bliss Caramel along with an entenmann's mini pound cake.


Lunch today was late and was the same as yesterday's lunch, I did remember however to only use 1 filet instead of 2.


Since my sister-in-law was out most of the day and she normally cooks dinner Monday-Wednesday the hubby and I decided to have chinese food, now mind you I haven't had chinese for almost 2 months. I ordered Shrimp Chow Fun (not the healthiest choice), but I only had a cup even though I was starving by the time the food arrived. Along with my chinese food I had about a handful of reese's pieces...again I blame the TOM.

Late Snack

I wasn't planning on having a late snack but my brother-in-law and the kids came back from the spa and I had not even a 1/4 cup of watermelon.


To make up for the bad food choices today's workout consisted of Tapout XT Muay Thai and Week 1 Day 1 of C25K...I am determined to finish both programs!!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!!

1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow's always a chance to start fresh! Keep up the awesome work, Aimee! (this is Kym from the fb page btw :P)
